July 22, 2024

You can stay in Roatán for whale sharks!

July sightings are heating up.

We may have only just posted a blog in May but July has seen so many exciting sightings that we had to write another post. We’ve had three consecutive days of whale sharks on the south side of Roatan from Brick Bay to Jonesville with at least two different individuals. This week there was a great sighting of a shark with banding scars off of AKR. This sighting was around a tuna boil and included at least one silky shark in the mix (Jordy Mutsaers provided a good video). The Jackson’s Dive Center had a strange experience with a turtle chasing off a scalloped hammerhead. We’d love to know which dive site that was. CTD and Roatan Divers encountered the same oceanic whitetip shark at two locations in the blue whilst looking for whale sharks. There was a great hammerhead sighted at M00nlight and the bull shark is still around with the last sighting at H0le in the wall. Simon did a dive with Bananarama with visiting family for a discovery dive and saw a nurse shark at Mandy’s Eel Garden. The following day they took a tour with Jackson Marine Adventures and saw nurse sharks at all the snorkel stops (Pigeon cay, Fort Morgan cay and Cocoview) as well as a shy lemon shark at Pigeon cay. Nurse sharks continue to have a strong showing in Utila with the Whale Shark and Ocean Research Center collating 16 more sightings including our first report of Lucy (Utila’s leucistic/piebald nurse shark) since January. We also had our first report from Tela with a nurse shark at Jeanette’s Reef.

Here are the sightings since the last update

Until next time, please keep reporting those sightings! - REPORT HERE

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